How to use this verb?
Here is a list of all possible definitions of this verb with example sentences in which the verb is used.
- to steam
- (transitive) to hit, to beat, to strike, to slap, to pound
(transitive) to strike, to attack (an enemy country or location)
(transitive) (of a clock) to strike (an hour)
(transitive) to run over (with a vehicle)
(transitive) to forge (e.g. a sword or sickle)
박수를 치다
to clap
적의 후방을 노려서 치다
to tactically assault the enemy from the rear
벽에 걸린 시계가 12시를 쳤다.
The clock on the wall struck noon.
차가 사람을 치고 가버렸다.
A car hit a person and left.
대장장이가 칼을 치고 있다.
A blacksmith is forging a sword.
- (transitive) to strike, to attack (an enemy country or location)
적의 후방을 노려서 치다
to tactically assault the enemy from the rear
- (transitive) (of a clock) to strike (an hour)
벽에 걸린 시계가 12시를 쳤다.
The clock on the wall struck noon.
- (transitive) to run over (with a vehicle)
차가 사람을 치고 가버렸다.
A car hit a person and left.
- (transitive) to forge (e.g. a sword or sickle)
대장장이가 칼을 치고 있다.
A blacksmith is forging a sword.
- (transitive) to play (cards, drums, piano, guitar, keyboard, or certain sports involving hitting a ball (see usage notes))
기타를 치다
to play the guitar
테니스를 치다
to play tennis
- (intransitive, of natural phenomena)
(of wind, rain, or snow in a storm) to blow/pour/snow
(of frost) to form (usually on plants)
(of lightning) to strike; (of thunder) to thunder
(of waves, etc.) to form
밖에 눈보라가 세차게 치고 있다.
A snowstorm is raging outside.
된서리가 쳐 농작물이 상했다.
Crops were damaged from the heavy frost.
천둥이 우르르 쾅 하고 쳤다.
There was a roll of thunder.
바다에 파도가 심하게 치고 있다.
The waves are high at sea.
- (of wind, rain, or snow in a storm) to blow/pour/snow
밖에 눈보라가 세차게 치고 있다.
A snowstorm is raging outside.
- (of frost) to form (usually on plants)
된서리가 쳐 농작물이 상했다.
Crops were damaged from the heavy frost.
- (of lightning) to strike; (of thunder) to thunder
천둥이 우르르 쾅 하고 쳤다.
There was a roll of thunder.
- (of waves, etc.) to form
바다에 파도가 심하게 치고 있다.
The waves are high at sea.
- (transitive) to swing; to shake:
to wag (a tail); to flap (wings)
Used as a dummy verb for certain nouns related to shaking or trembling
Used in 헤엄(을) 치다 (heeom(-eul) chida, “to swim”)
개가 꼬리를 살랑살랑 치며 반겼다.
Gently wagging its tail, a dog greeted [me].
새가 날개를 파닥파닥 쳐 날아갔다.
Fluttering its wings, a bird flew away.
진저리를 치다
to shudder (from disgust, etc.)
비행기 기체가 심하게 요동을 친다.
The fuselage of the plane rolls and pitches heavily.
- to wag (a tail); to flap (wings)
개가 꼬리를 살랑살랑 치며 반겼다.
Gently wagging its tail, a dog greeted [me].
새가 날개를 파닥파닥 쳐 날아갔다.
Fluttering its wings, a bird flew away.
- Used as a dummy verb for certain nouns related to shaking or trembling
진저리를 치다
to shudder (from disgust, etc.)
비행기 기체가 심하게 요동을 친다.
The fuselage of the plane rolls and pitches heavily.
- Used in 헤엄(을) 치다 (heeom(-eul) chida, “to swim”)
- (transitive) to type (e.g. on a keyboard)
(transitive) to send, to wire (a telegram)
(transitive) to radio (message, etc.)
타자를 치다
to type on a keyboard
전보를 치다
to send a telegeram
무전을 치다
to radio a message
- (transitive) to send, to wire (a telegram)
전보를 치다
to send a telegeram
- (transitive) to radio (message, etc.)
무전을 치다
to radio a message
- (transitive) to cut/slice a part/piece:
to trim, to prune (branches or leaves)
to cut, to shear (hair)
(often with 채 (chae)) to cut, to shred (vegetables or fruits into strips)
to slice (raw fish (회(膾) (hoe)))
나무의 잔가지를 치다
to lop off twigs from a tree
머리를 짧게 치다
to cut one's hair short
무를 채를 치다
to shred white radish into thin strips
회를 치다
to slice raw fish
- to trim, to prune (branches or leaves)
나무의 잔가지를 치다
to lop off twigs from a tree
- to cut, to shear (hair)
머리를 짧게 치다
to cut one's hair short
- (often with 채 (chae)) to cut, to shred (vegetables or fruits into strips)
무를 채를 치다
to shred white radish into thin strips
- to slice (raw fish (회(膾) (hoe)))
회를 치다
to slice raw fish
- (transitive) Used as a dummy verb for certain nouns related to sound
아우성을 치다
to raise a clamour
산 정상에 올라서 고함을 실컷 쳤다.
Having climbed to the top of the mountain, [I] screamed to my heart's content.
- (transitive) to take (a test, etc.)
시험을 치다
to take a test
- (transitive, with 점(占) (jeom)) to tell one's fortune
- (transitive) to stamp
도장/인을 치다
to stamp
- (transitive) Used as a dummy verb for certain nouns in various idiomatic usages
Nouns meaning something bad or undesirable (e.g. a lie)
Nouns related to walking
Nouns related to laughter or smiling
사기를 치다
to commit fraud
거짓말을 친 것이 들통이 났다.
The fact that [he] had told a lie was revealed.
종종걸음을 치다
to walk with hasty steps
눈웃음을 치다
to wear a smile on one's eyes
- Nouns meaning something bad or undesirable (e.g. a lie)
사기를 치다
to commit fraud
거짓말을 친 것이 들통이 났다.
The fact that [he] had told a lie was revealed.
- Nouns related to walking
종종걸음을 치다
to walk with hasty steps
- Nouns related to laughter or smiling
눈웃음을 치다
to wear a smile on one's eyes
- (transitive, Yanbian) to call (on the telephone)
- to rear, to raise (animals) (especially livestock or poultry, but also bees or silkworms)
- (of animals) to bear, to breed (offsprings)
어미 개가 새끼를 쳤다.
The mother dog whelped.
- (of plants) to spread, to shoot out (branches)
나무가 가지를 친다.
A tree spreads its branches.
- to keep, to lodge (roomers or guests)
학생들을 하숙을 치다
to board students
- to value; to consider
초보자 치고는 잘하는데?
You do well for a beginner.
그는 돈을 최고로 친다.
He values money above all things.
값을 너무 낮게 친 거 같다.
I think [we] have set the price too low.
그렇다 치더라도 벌이 너무 가혹한 거 아니야?
All things considered, don't you think the punishment is quite harsh?
이 돈은 원으로 치면 얼마 정도야?
How much would this be worth in wons?
- to count, to include
너까지 치면 다섯 명 이야.
Including you, it will be five people.
- to assume, to suppose
네가 갑자기 부자가 됐다고 치자, 그럼 처음에 뭐 부터 할 거 같아?
Let's say you've suddenly become a rich person, what would be the first thing you do?
- to draw, to cast, to put up (a net, shield, screen, curtain, etc.)
모기장을 치다
to put up a mosquito net
강에 그물을 치다
to cast a net into a river
- to install (a wall, fence, barrier, etc.)
울타리를 치다
to install fences
- to pitch, to set up (camp, a tent, etc.)
진을 치다
to set up camp
- to clear, to clean, to remove (by sweeping or scooping)
눈을 치다
to shovel snow
쓰레기를 치다
to clear away garbage
- to dredge, to dig out (a ditch or waterway)
논을 치다
to make rice paddies
도랑을 치다
to dredge a ditch
How to conjugate in the present tense?
Here is the list of verbs conjugated in the present tense in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.
- 쳐InformalDeclarative
- 쳐요PolishedDeclarative
- 칩니다HonorificDeclarative
- 쳐?InformalInquisitive
- 쳐요?PolishedInquisitive
- 칩니까?HonorificInquisitive
- 쳐InformalImperative
- 치세요PolishedImperative
- 치십시오HonorificImperative
- 쳐InformalPropositive
- 쳐요PolishedPropositive
- 칩시다HonorificPropositive
How to conjugate in the past tense?
Here is the list of verbs conjugated in the past tense in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.
- 쳤Base
- 쳤어InformalDeclarative
- 쳤어요PolishedDeclarative
- 쳤습니다HonorificDeclarative
- 쳤어?InformalInquisitive
- 쳤어요?PolishedInquisitive
- 쳤습니까?HonorificInquisitive
How do you conjugate in the future tense?
Here is the list of verbs conjugated in the future tense in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.
- 칠Base
- 칠 거야InformalDeclarative
- 칠 거예요PolishedDeclarative
- 칠 겁니다HonorificDeclarative
- 치겠어InformalConditional
- 치겠어요PolishedConditional
- 치겠습니다HonorificConditional
How to conjugate in the other forms?
Here is the list of verbs conjugated in other forms and in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.
- 치면Connective If
- 치고Connective And
- 침Nominal Ing