to love (often but not always romantic) 1500s [1300s], “서경별곡/西京別曲 [Seogyeong byeolgok]”, in 악장가사/樂章歌詞 [Akjang Gasa]:괴시란ᄃᆡ 아즐가 괴시란ᄃᆡ 우러곰 좃니노ᅌᅵ다kwoysilantoy aculka kwoysilantoy wule-kwom cwosninwongitaIf you only loved me, oh, if you only loved me, I would chase after you as I wept. 1500s [1300s?], “사모곡/思母曲 [Samo-gok]”, in 악장가사/樂章歌詞 [Akjang Gasa]:아바님도 어이어신 마ᄅᆞᄂᆞᆫ 어마님 ᄀᆞ티 괴시리 업세라apa-nim-two ei-Gesin malonon ema-nim kothi kwoysil_i epseylaMy father is my parent, too, but there is none who can love me like my mother does. 1500s [1400s?], “삼성대왕/三城大王”, in 시용향악보/時用鄕樂譜 [Siyong hyang'akbo]:다롱다리 三(삼)城(셩)大(대)王(왕) 녜라와 괴쇼셔talwongtali SAM.SYENG.TAY.WANG nyey-lawoa kwoysyosyeTalwongtali, Great King of the Three Towns [the title of a deity]! Favor us more than [you have] before.

How to use this verb?

Here is a list of all possible definitions of this verb with example sentences in which the verb is used.

  • to love (often but not always romantic) 1500s [1300s], “서경별곡/西京別曲 [Seogyeong byeolgok]”, in 악장가사/樂章歌詞 [Akjang Gasa]:괴시란ᄃᆡ 아즐가 괴시란ᄃᆡ 우러곰 좃니노ᅌᅵ다kwoysilantoy aculka kwoysilantoy wule-kwom cwosninwongitaIf you only loved me, oh, if you only loved me, I would chase after you as I wept. 1500s [1300s?], “사모곡/思母曲 [Samo-gok]”, in 악장가사/樂章歌詞 [Akjang Gasa]:아바님도 어이어신 마ᄅᆞᄂᆞᆫ 어마님 ᄀᆞ티 괴시리 업세라apa-nim-two ei-Gesin malonon ema-nim kothi kwoysil_i epseylaMy father is my parent, too, but there is none who can love me like my mother does. 1500s [1400s?], “삼성대왕/三城大王”, in 시용향악보/時用鄕樂譜 [Siyong hyang'akbo]:다롱다리 三(삼)城(셩)大(대)王(왕) 녜라와 괴쇼셔talwongtali SAM.SYENG.TAY.WANG nyey-lawoa kwoysyosyeTalwongtali, Great King of the Three Towns [the title of a deity]! Favor us more than [you have] before.
  • 1500s [1300s], “서경별곡/西京別曲 [Seogyeong byeolgok]”, in 악장가사/樂章歌詞 [Akjang Gasa]:괴시란ᄃᆡ 아즐가 괴시란ᄃᆡ 우러곰 좃니노ᅌᅵ다kwoysilantoy aculka kwoysilantoy wule-kwom cwosninwongitaIf you only loved me, oh, if you only loved me, I would chase after you as I wept.
    • 1500s [1300s?], “사모곡/思母曲 [Samo-gok]”, in 악장가사/樂章歌詞 [Akjang Gasa]:아바님도 어이어신 마ᄅᆞᄂᆞᆫ 어마님 ᄀᆞ티 괴시리 업세라apa-nim-two ei-Gesin malonon ema-nim kothi kwoysil_i epseylaMy father is my parent, too, but there is none who can love me like my mother does.
      • 1500s [1400s?], “삼성대왕/三城大王”, in 시용향악보/時用鄕樂譜 [Siyong hyang'akbo]:다롱다리 三(삼)城(셩)大(대)王(왕) 녜라와 괴쇼셔talwongtali SAM.SYENG.TAY.WANG nyey-lawoa kwoysyosyeTalwongtali, Great King of the Three Towns [the title of a deity]! Favor us more than [you have] before.

        How to conjugate in the present tense?

        Here is the list of verbs conjugated in the present tense in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.

        • InformalDeclarative
        • 괘요
        • 굅니다
        • 괘?
        • 괘요?
        • 굅니까?
        • InformalImperative
        • 괴세요
        • 괴십시오
        • InformalPropositive
        • 괘요
        • 굅시다

        How to conjugate in the past tense?

        Here is the list of verbs conjugated in the past tense in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.

        • Base
        • 괬어
        • 괬어요
        • 괬습니다
        • 괬어?
        • 괬어요?
        • 괬습니까?

        How do you conjugate in the future tense?

        Here is the list of verbs conjugated in the future tense in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.

        • Base
        • 괼 거야
        • 괼 거예요
        • 괼 겁니다
        • 괴겠어
        • 괴겠어요
        • 괴겠습니다

        How to conjugate in the other forms?

        Here is the list of verbs conjugated in other forms and in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.

        • 괴면
          Connective If
        • 괴고
          Connective And
        • Nominal Ing