(historical, rare) to pass the civil service examination (in historical Korea, China, Vietnam) 1795, 혜경궁 홍씨 / 惠慶宮 洪氏 (Lady Hong of the Hyegyeong Palace), 한중록 (hanjungnok) [Memoirs of Lady Hyegyeong]:션인이 과거ᄒᆞ신 젼브터 졔우가 ᄌᆞ별ᄒᆞ시고 […] syeonin-i gwageohasin jeon-beuteo je'u-ga jabyeolhasigo […] From before my past father passed the civil service examinations, his meetings were of a special sort […] 1996, 韓(한)國(국)儒(유)學(학)思(사)想(상)論(논)文(문)選(선)集(집) (12), Bulham munhwasa:科(과)擧(거)하고 出(출)仕(사)하는 일gwageohago chulsahaneun ilthe affair of passing the civil service examinations and assuming one's first government post transcribed 2010, “베틀가 [Song of the Loom (folk song)]”, in jinan.grandculture.net‎[1]:과개(科擧)한 듯 높이 앉았구나gwagaehan deut nop-i anjatgunaHow she sits on high, as if she passed the civil service examinations

How to use this verb?

Here is a list of all possible definitions of this verb with example sentences in which the verb is used.

  • (historical, rare) to pass the civil service examination (in historical Korea, China, Vietnam) 1795, 혜경궁 홍씨 / 惠慶宮 洪氏 (Lady Hong of the Hyegyeong Palace), 한중록 (hanjungnok) [Memoirs of Lady Hyegyeong]:션인이 과거ᄒᆞ신 젼브터 졔우가 ᄌᆞ별ᄒᆞ시고 […] syeonin-i gwageohasin jeon-beuteo je'u-ga jabyeolhasigo […] From before my past father passed the civil service examinations, his meetings were of a special sort […] 1996, 韓(한)國(국)儒(유)學(학)思(사)想(상)論(논)文(문)選(선)集(집) (12), Bulham munhwasa:科(과)擧(거)하고 出(출)仕(사)하는 일gwageohago chulsahaneun ilthe affair of passing the civil service examinations and assuming one's first government post transcribed 2010, “베틀가 [Song of the Loom (folk song)]”, in jinan.grandculture.net‎[1]:과개(科擧)한 듯 높이 앉았구나gwagaehan deut nop-i anjatgunaHow she sits on high, as if she passed the civil service examinations
  • 1795, 혜경궁 홍씨 / 惠慶宮 洪氏 (Lady Hong of the Hyegyeong Palace), 한중록 (hanjungnok) [Memoirs of Lady Hyegyeong]:션인이 과거ᄒᆞ신 젼브터 졔우가 ᄌᆞ별ᄒᆞ시고 […] syeonin-i gwageohasin jeon-beuteo je'u-ga jabyeolhasigo […] From before my past father passed the civil service examinations, his meetings were of a special sort […]
    • 1996, 韓(한)國(국)儒(유)學(학)思(사)想(상)論(논)文(문)選(선)集(집) (12), Bulham munhwasa:科(과)擧(거)하고 出(출)仕(사)하는 일gwageohago chulsahaneun ilthe affair of passing the civil service examinations and assuming one's first government post
      • transcribed 2010, “베틀가 [Song of the Loom (folk song)]”, in jinan.grandculture.net‎[1]:과개(科擧)한 듯 높이 앉았구나gwagaehan deut nop-i anjatgunaHow she sits on high, as if she passed the civil service examinations

        How to conjugate in the present tense?

        Here is the list of verbs conjugated in the present tense in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.

        • 과거해
        • 과거해요
        • 과거합니다
        • 과거해?
        • 과거해요?
        • 과거합니까?
        • 과거해
        • 과거하세요
        • 과거하십시오
        • 과거해
        • 과거해요
        • 과거합시다

        How to conjugate in the past tense?

        Here is the list of verbs conjugated in the past tense in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.

        • 과거했
        • 과거했어
        • 과거했어요
        • 과거했습니다
        • 과거했어?
        • 과거했어요?
        • 과거했습니까?

        How do you conjugate in the future tense?

        Here is the list of verbs conjugated in the future tense in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.

        • 과거할
        • 과거할 거야
        • 과거할 거예요
        • 과거할 겁니다
        • 과거하겠어
        • 과거하겠어요
        • 과거하겠습니다

        How to conjugate in the other forms?

        Here is the list of verbs conjugated in other forms and in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.

        • 과거하면
          Connective If
        • 과거하고
          Connective And
        • 과거함
          Nominal Ing