(Gyeongsang) to say that; follows an explicit or implicit quotation 2012, 이승현, 안녕, 마징가: 담쟁이 문고, 실천문학사, →ISBN:여서 그런 말이 와 나오는데예? — 와 나오기는? 니가 안 캤나?Yeo-seo geureon mar-i wa naoneunde-ye? - wa naogi-neun? Ni-ga an kaenna?Why are you bringing that up right now? — Why am I bringing it up it? Wasn't it you who said it first? 2017, 하어영, “"대구가 투표율이 제일 낮을 거라 카대"”, in The Hankyoreh‎[1]:대구가 투표율이 제일 낮을 거라 카대.Daegu-ga tupyoyur-i jeil najeul geo-ra kadae.They say that Daegu is going to have the lowest voter turnout. 2018, 이상원, “'홍준표 쫓가내야'…‘인물’ 강조하는 포항시민들”, in Newsmin‎[2]:손주가 지진 났을 때 '할매 안 무섭더나' 카더라. 내가 '할매는 안 무섭다' 그랬다. '할매는 지진보다 더 무서운 동란도 봤다'고 캤다.Sonju-ga jijin nasseul ttae halmae an museopdeona kadeora. Nae-ga halmae-neun an museopda geuraetda. halmae-neun jijin-boda deo museoun dongnan-do bwatda go kaetda.When there was the earthquake, my grandchild said, "Grandmother, weren't you scared?" I told them, "Grandmother isn't scared." I said, "I've seen a war which was even scarier than an earthquake."

How to use this verb?

Here is a list of all possible definitions of this verb with example sentences in which the verb is used.

  • (Gyeongsang) to say that; follows an explicit or implicit quotation 2012, 이승현, 안녕, 마징가: 담쟁이 문고, 실천문학사, →ISBN:여서 그런 말이 와 나오는데예? — 와 나오기는? 니가 안 캤나?Yeo-seo geureon mar-i wa naoneunde-ye? - wa naogi-neun? Ni-ga an kaenna?Why are you bringing that up right now? — Why am I bringing it up it? Wasn't it you who said it first? 2017, 하어영, “"대구가 투표율이 제일 낮을 거라 카대"”, in The Hankyoreh‎[1]:대구가 투표율이 제일 낮을 거라 카대.Daegu-ga tupyoyur-i jeil najeul geo-ra kadae.They say that Daegu is going to have the lowest voter turnout. 2018, 이상원, “'홍준표 쫓가내야'…‘인물’ 강조하는 포항시민들”, in Newsmin‎[2]:손주가 지진 났을 때 '할매 안 무섭더나' 카더라. 내가 '할매는 안 무섭다' 그랬다. '할매는 지진보다 더 무서운 동란도 봤다'고 캤다.Sonju-ga jijin nasseul ttae halmae an museopdeona kadeora. Nae-ga halmae-neun an museopda geuraetda. halmae-neun jijin-boda deo museoun dongnan-do bwatda go kaetda.When there was the earthquake, my grandchild said, "Grandmother, weren't you scared?" I told them, "Grandmother isn't scared." I said, "I've seen a war which was even scarier than an earthquake."
    • 가가 머라 카노?

      What is he saying?

    • 가삐라고 니가 캤나?

      Was it you who told me to go away?

  • 2012, 이승현, 안녕, 마징가: 담쟁이 문고, 실천문학사, →ISBN:여서 그런 말이 와 나오는데예? — 와 나오기는? 니가 안 캤나?Yeo-seo geureon mar-i wa naoneunde-ye? - wa naogi-neun? Ni-ga an kaenna?Why are you bringing that up right now? — Why am I bringing it up it? Wasn't it you who said it first?
    • 2017, 하어영, “"대구가 투표율이 제일 낮을 거라 카대"”, in The Hankyoreh‎[1]:대구가 투표율이 제일 낮을 거라 카대.Daegu-ga tupyoyur-i jeil najeul geo-ra kadae.They say that Daegu is going to have the lowest voter turnout.
      • 2018, 이상원, “'홍준표 쫓가내야'…‘인물’ 강조하는 포항시민들”, in Newsmin‎[2]:손주가 지진 났을 때 '할매 안 무섭더나' 카더라. 내가 '할매는 안 무섭다' 그랬다. '할매는 지진보다 더 무서운 동란도 봤다'고 캤다.Sonju-ga jijin nasseul ttae halmae an museopdeona kadeora. Nae-ga halmae-neun an museopda geuraetda. halmae-neun jijin-boda deo museoun dongnan-do bwatda go kaetda.When there was the earthquake, my grandchild said, "Grandmother, weren't you scared?" I told them, "Grandmother isn't scared." I said, "I've seen a war which was even scarier than an earthquake."
        • (Gyeongsang) to intend to, to try to 1997, 김원일, 불의 제전 7, 문학과 지성사, →ISBN:그 알라까지 어째 키울라고 안 내놓을라 카는지.Geu alla-kkaji eojjae kiulla-go an naenoeulla kaneunji.They're trying not to let him go, but how are they going to raise yet another child? 2015, “김용판 무죄판결 특집 노변정담”, in FactTV‎[3]:내란을 할라 칸 사람인데, 당연히 중죄고.Naeran-eul halla kan saram-inde, dang'yeonhi jungjoe-go.He's a guy who was trying to cause a civil war, of course that's a serious crime.
          • 공부할라 카는 아를 와 건디리노?

            Why are you bothering a kid who's trying to study?

        • 1997, 김원일, 불의 제전 7, 문학과 지성사, →ISBN:그 알라까지 어째 키울라고 안 내놓을라 카는지.Geu alla-kkaji eojjae kiulla-go an naenoeulla kaneunji.They're trying not to let him go, but how are they going to raise yet another child?
          • 2015, “김용판 무죄판결 특집 노변정담”, in FactTV‎[3]:내란을 할라 칸 사람인데, 당연히 중죄고.Naeran-eul halla kan saram-inde, dang'yeonhi jungjoe-go.He's a guy who was trying to cause a civil war, of course that's a serious crime.
            • (Gyeongsang) be about to 1985, 조부돌, 한국구비문학대계 7집 14책: 경북 달성군 편 [Compendium of Korean Oral Literature, Volume 7, Issue 14: Dalseong County, North Gyeongsang Province], Academy of Korean Studies, page 603:아직에 지무시고 세수를 할라칸께네 동원에서 풍악 소리가 디리 나거던.Ajig-e jimusigo sesu-reul hallakankkene dong'won-eseo pung'ak sori-ga diri nageodeon.Once he had slept in the morning, he was about to to wash his face, but then there was the sound of music coming very loudly from the eastern garden. 2012, 박이정, 봄, 눈 — 엄마라는 이름의 선물, 도서출판 가연, →ISBN:지금은 배 터질라 카니까 좀 봐도라.Jigeum-eun bae teojilla kanikka jom bwa-dora.Right now [I'm so full that] my stomach is about to burst, so please excuse me.
              • 인자 디기 칩을라 칸다.

                Now it's about to get really cold.

            • 1985, 조부돌, 한국구비문학대계 7집 14책: 경북 달성군 편 [Compendium of Korean Oral Literature, Volume 7, Issue 14: Dalseong County, North Gyeongsang Province], Academy of Korean Studies, page 603:아직에 지무시고 세수를 할라칸께네 동원에서 풍악 소리가 디리 나거던.Ajig-e jimusigo sesu-reul hallakankkene dong'won-eseo pung'ak sori-ga diri nageodeon.Once he had slept in the morning, he was about to to wash his face, but then there was the sound of music coming very loudly from the eastern garden.
              • 2012, 박이정, 봄, 눈 — 엄마라는 이름의 선물, 도서출판 가연, →ISBN:지금은 배 터질라 카니까 좀 봐도라.Jigeum-eun bae teojilla kanikka jom bwa-dora.Right now [I'm so full that] my stomach is about to burst, so please excuse me.
                • (Gyeongsang) to make someone do

                  How to conjugate in the present tense?

                  Here is the list of verbs conjugated in the present tense in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.

                  • InformalDeclarative
                  • 카요
                  • 캅니다
                  • 카?
                  • 카요?
                  • 캅니까?
                  • InformalImperative
                  • 카세요
                  • 카십시오
                  • InformalPropositive
                  • 카요
                  • 캅시다

                  How to conjugate in the past tense?

                  Here is the list of verbs conjugated in the past tense in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.

                  • Base
                  • 캈어
                  • 캈어요
                  • 캈습니다
                  • 캈어?
                  • 캈어요?
                  • 캈습니까?

                  How do you conjugate in the future tense?

                  Here is the list of verbs conjugated in the future tense in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.

                  • Base
                  • 칼 거야
                  • 칼 거예요
                  • 칼 겁니다
                  • 카겠어
                  • 카겠어요
                  • 카겠습니다

                  How to conjugate in the other forms?

                  Here is the list of verbs conjugated in other forms and in several polite forms. You can click on the buttons to get more information about the polite form and the mode used.

                  • 카면
                    Connective If
                  • 카고
                    Connective And
                  • Nominal Ing